n2n Page Rocket 1 API




MurlPage creates a PageUrlComposer which can be used to build Urls to pages. It can be used like ContextUrlComposer. For example to link a page with HtmlBuilder::link() or ControllingUtilsTrait::redirect()

Example of usage in a HtmlView

<?php $html->link(MurlPage::tag('some', 'tags')->pathExt(array('path-part-1', 'path-part-2'))) ?>

Methods summary

Modifier and Type Method
public static PageUrlComposer root ( )
public static PageUrlComposer navRoot ( )
public static PageUrlComposer current ( )
public static PageUrlComposer home ( )
public static subHome ( string subsystemName = null )
public static PageUrlComposer obj ( object obj )
public static PageUrlComposer tag ( string tagNames )
public static PageUrlComposer hook ( string hookKeys )
public static PageUrlComposer id ( string id )

Methods in detail