n2n Page Rocket 1 API



ActionQueueImpl implements ActionQueue

All Implemented Interfaces:

Property summary

Modifier and Type Property
protected em
protected magicContext
protected actionQueueListeners
protected actionJobs
protected atStartClosures
protected atEndClosures
protected atPrepareCycleEndClosures

Methods summary

Modifier and Type Method
public __construct ( EntityManager em , MagicContext magicContext = null )
public EntityManager getEntityManager ( )
public removeAction ( unknown entity )
public containsPersistAction ( unknown entity )
public PersistAction getOrCreatePersistAction ( object entity )
public PersistAction getPersistAction ( object entity )
public containsRemoveAction ( unknown entity )
public RemoveAction getOrCreateRemoveAction ( unknown entity )
public RemoveAction getRemoveAction ( unknown entity )
public add ( Action action )
public remove ( Action action )
public executeAtStart ( Closure closure )
public executeAtEnd ( Closure closure )
public executeAtPrepareCycleEnd ( Closure closure )
protected triggerAtStartClosures ( )
protected triggerAtEndClosures ( )
protected triggerAtPrepareCycleEndClosures ( )
public flush ( )
public commit ( )
public clear ( )
public announceLifecycleEvent ( LifecycleEvent event )
public registerLifecycleListener ( LifecycleListener listener )
public unregisterLifecycleListener ( LifecycleListener listener )

Properties in detail

Methods in detail